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15. Mai 2024

RG Hamburg
15.05.2024 (18:00)

RG Hamburg 2024/05: Understanding visual calculations in Power BI (Alberto Ferrari, SQLBI.com)

Hi, awesome Data People!

We have to announce the next big event at short notice because we have the chance to have one of the top DAX & Power BI experts in town, Alberto Ferrari from SQLBI. And, yes, he agreed to give a really cool talk.

And many thanks to Computer Futures for spontaneously offering us a venue! You people are amazing!

18:00 Open door and warm up networking round
18:15 Intro
18:30 Talk
20:00 Open discussion about Power BI/DAX & your data
21:00 The End…

## Understanding visual calculations in Power BI

Visual calculations are a new 2024 feature in Power BI, aiming at making it simpler for users to develop calculations at the visual level. Visual calculations are implemented through a new set of DAX functions and the VISUAL SHAPE clause in DAX queries. In this session, we introduce the feature, and then we quickly go down to discover how it is implemented, when to use it, and what not to expect from the feature, so to make educated choices about when to use it or not.

Alberto started working with SQL Server in 2000 and immediately his interest focused on Business Intelligence. He and Marco Russo created sqlbi.com, where they publish extensive content about Business Intelligence.
Alberto published several books about Analysis Services, Power BI, and Power Pivot. He is a Microsoft MVP and he earned the SSAS Maestro title, the highest level of certification on Microsoft Analysis Services technology.
Today, Alberto’s main activities are in the delivery of DAX and data modeling workshops for Power BI and Analysis Services all around the world. Alberto offers consulting services on large and complex data warehouses to provide assessments and validation of project analysis or to perform specific problem-solving activities.
Alberto is a well-known speaker at many international conferences, like PASS Summit, Sqlbits, and Microsoft Ignite. He loves to be on stage both at large events and at smaller user groups meetings, exchanging ideas with other SQL and BI fans. When traveling for work, he likes to engage with local user groups to provide evening sessions about his favorite topics. Thus, you can easily meet Alberto by looking up local Power BI user groups during scheduled courses.
Outside of SQLBI, most of Alberto’s personal time is spent practicing video games, in the vain hope of eventually beating his son.

See you there!

Conny and Sascha

11. Juni 2024

RG Rhein-Main
11.06.2024 (19:00)

Rapid SQL Database Development with SSDT Templates and Code Snippets

In dem Vortrag konzentrieren wir uns darauf, wie der Einsatz von Bicep-Templates, maßgeschneiderten Projektvorlagen und Code-Snippets in Visual Studio SSDT den Entwicklungsprozess für Azure SQL-Datenbanken vereinfacht und vereinheitlicht.

Die Teilnehmer werden außerdem lernen, eine Azure DevOps CI/CD-Pipeline zu erstellen, die den Prozess des Aufbaus und der Bereitstellung von Datenbanken und Code in Azure automatisiert und durch Unit-Tests die Codequalität verbessert.

adesso Frankfurt
60528 | Frankfurt
Herriotstraße 1

10. Juli 2024

RG Mittelrhein
10.07.2024 (18:45)

Und ewig lockt die Sperre …

Es gibt viele Geschichten rund um das Sperrverhalten im SQL Server. Unter anderem, wenn mit einer Access-Applikation auf Datenbanken des SQL Servers zugegriffen wird. Dabei ist das alles gar nicht so schlimm.


Dieser Vortrag blickt hinter die Kulissen und zeigt mittels der XEvents das Sperrverhalten des SQL Servers. Es werden Missverständnisse geklärt und das Thema entmystifiziert.


•  Access und Sperren im SQL Server

•  Analyse des Sperrverhaltens mit XEvents

•  Sperrtypen und Isolationsstufen des SQL Servers


•  Block Process Report und Deadlocks-Report

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